
How To Use

  1. How to fix Update Error in non-App Store version?
    1. Sorry, this is caused by an error in the updater of the first version, please manually download the latest DMG from the official website and override the installation. Only for once, and you can continue to use automatic updates thereafter.

    2. Download Update manually: DockX-1.0.2.dmg 👈
    3. Homepage:
  2. What is API Mode?
  3. You can send any text to DockX to display on the dock icon or menu bar icon, just use URL Scheme like: dockx://show?text=xxx&seconds=3

    text: The text you’d like to display seconds: The amount of time the text is continuously displayed
  4. How to custom Dock Icon Theme?
  5. Drop image(PNG,JPG,GIF) file to Tab 2 Themes, best size is 200x200 PX

  6. How to custom Logo? Choose image(PNG,JPG,GIF) file as logo, best size is 100x100 PX
  7. image
