Lock Launcher(iOS)

What’s New?


📱 According to the latest rules of the system, you need to parse the URL Scheme of the App before you can jump directly, please send a [Request URL Parsing] or use a shortcut to instead.

⚠️ If Island/Dock disappear, please reboot your phone to fix it!

🚀 v1.6.2 | 2024-06-09

  • New: Request URL Parsing
  • New: Add action from App Store Link search
  • New: Shortcut options for switch Memo/Dock
  • New: Add shortcut for activate Dynamic Island
  • Fix: Issues on iOS 17.5 Beta
📝 Version History (62)
🌟 Features Preview (7)

📚 How to Use?

How to add Widgets and change Color?
How to set Transparent Icon?
Icons are not clickable?
Launch any app on Lock Screen?
How to use shortcuts?
How to launcher app by URL Scheme?
How to add Home Screen Widget: Launchpad?
Icons missing problem.
How to make beautiful Icons?
Action Not found? Request to add
Lock LauncherChatXLangsInteractive WidgetsDesktop CalculatorDockXWidget 3Widget 2Widget 1MenubarX